Sunday, March 29, 2009

Rub a Dub Dub Desi in the Tub

So this is Patrick, Mary Ann (Jake's sister) and their son Desmond. Do you think this is how Jake and our baby will turn out? And no, Nae Nae is not pregnant. Just an innocent question.


  1. What a chunky monkey! Oh I love the chubs! You guys will have BEAUTIFUL babies, no doubt!

  2. What a cute baby! I love when they are so chunky! More to love! I ditto that comment above, you will have BEAUTIFUL babies!

  3. oh man i can't wait til you guys have a little chunky monkey of your own! he/she will be SO cute!!! oh, and whats up with this little baby having more cleavage than me?!

  4. Your too cocky to get pregnant... just you wait!

  5. Whatever your baby looks like, I'm sure it will be cute! So get going guys! Desi needs a cousin.

  6. I can't believe how big that little man is...I remember when I first met him back in November...and he was big...but so so cute. I can't wait to hear when you guys are guys will be such awesome parents...oh yeah when is Saren due??? So happy for them!
