I took this picture for Kristie since she hasn't seen me since I started "poking out." Pregnancy has been one of the weirdest things for me. Now people will ask what I'm having and when I am due... telling the boss was so fun, as well, I might add. He called me into his office and started out like this.... no joking... "Um, I don't usually ask women this but....... are you pregnant???" I said, "yes." He said, " Oh good because if you weren't, that is really embarrassing!" Ha, Ha... so I've put on a little weight. Moke told me the other day my butt and my arms are fat. I was dying laughing... little kids just tell it how it is!!! We cannot wait for our little man to be here. His latest thing is trying to bust out of my stomach with the head butt ninja kick. It hurts!!!
We just finished our Hypnobabies class. It was a six week long program that was awesome. I learned so much about my body, and how amazing the whole pregnancy/birthing experience is. Jake and I liked the class, as well, because it is super bonding. The class ended this past Monday and Jake declared it as, "The Best Christmas Present Ever." Ha ha!! Even though it was an exceptional class... Jake and 3 hours of talking about babies\birthing got very interesting. He brought up all sort of different topics to circumcision to perineal massage to lactation. Jake and the instructor made such good friends, that she is framing him a Hypnobabies Certificate for graduating the class.
Today I just entered into my third trimester! It is so weird because looking back, I can say that I could do this again, but while I was in my first trimester, Jake and I were contemplating having only one child :) I feel so blessed to be able to pregnant, even with all of its trials.